So Silly

So Silly

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Potty Training.....

Oh man! Where to start.

It's hard to potty train a tubie. You can't bribe him with candy, he hates stickers, {sensory crap.} I'd go broke buying him toys each time, so what do we do? We cheer! Annoyingly. He LOVES it. He pees/poops, we clap and say "Good boy, That's awesome, Your so big!" Something like that. He gets this big cheesy grin, like yep I rock, I do. ;)

We have been working on potty training for a while now.  He is almost 2.5 yrs old. He has never really gotten it until recently. I have to remind him to 'tinkle,' but he gets right on there and does it. {We rock a lil kid potty in our living room. Don't judge, lol.}

There have been times he will randomly go on his own without me reminding him. Though last night he was sitting on Albert watching Nina and the Goodnight Show, {Nina is one happy chic I tell ya.} and he was so engrossed in Nina, he peed all over Albert. It was quite funny, though Albert didn't find it funny. Noah said and I am quoting here, "Oh crap." Man, he cracks me up. It happens, what can I say. Here's the kick in the ass, he will not go if he has on underwear. Nope. He pees right in them. So what's a girl to do? We let him run around pantless..unless we go somewhere of course. We have to start working on wearing underwear, but he is dry almost most of the day, with an accident here or there, but for the past 2 days good, up until the we pee on dad part last night.We also have to move the potty to the bathroom.

Things to work on, but he is doing really well. I thought he would never be potty trained. He is doing ok. Pretty proud of my lil man. He currently just finished going on his own and I wasn't paying attention and he started dancing and clapping.....his own lil cheering team. We went to flush it and now he is dancing saying "bye poop, bye...see ya."

Love this kid. <3 If anyone has tips advice, please share!

1 comment:

  1. We are in exactly the same place as you! Tristan runs around half naked most of the day, we have a potty in the dining room. He does pretty good without pants on with an accident here and there.. Put some pants on him, and it's like he totally forgets and pee's! I really need to make him some more training pants.
    Anyway, no advice, just saying I'm right here with ya!
