So Silly

So Silly

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Step Foward, 4,687 Steps Backwards

 What a day. Noah was finally well enough to go to feeding therapy, where he was a turd. He was tired and has a nagging cough and he was simply a brat. Everything was "NO, GO away, then towards the end....Night night, go to bed." He was so tired, but no reason to be a shitball. So nothing happened at feeding therapy, but he managed to "kiss" a cookie. And the crowd goes wild....not so much. Blah. He is a gagging, coughing, retching, puking mess. His emptying has gone to nothing & his cough sounds yucky. I am so over this sick kid stuff. I think we are working on day 4 or 5 of sick babies.

He was doing so well feed wise. He was doing about 6 blended diet boluses a day, no pump at night bc we were doing them around the clock, well now he isn't emptying.... yet again. For instance, I fed him 4 oz at 12:00 pm, at 4:30pm he still had more than an ounce in his belly. I know being sick can hinder this, but I wish it didn't, it sets us back weeks, literally. We worked so hard to get him off his J feeds, took months and now a cold has set us back. Frustrating. We aren't getting nearly enough BD in him to count for anything and he's lost a little over a pound. Which isn't much in retrospect, but lil man weighs the same as he did January 2011. He has some play room, weight wise lets be honest, but he needs to gain something. It's been too long without anything. So I am sure the dietician will be less than impressed when we meet with her again. So, back to night feeds it is. We are running him at 50mls/hr and hoping he can handle that. Since he's been off so long we have to work him back up to his rate he was at before which was 80mls/hr. So, it's like he does really well for a month, MAYBE 2, then it's back to the mess that got us there in the 1st place. Never thought I'd still have to make formula for my 2 year old. =(  and BTW I am SO sick of Vanilla Elecare smell....I open a can and about gag now. Yuck.

Brock has been a pain today too. I am not sure what his deal is, maybe to add more stress to momma bc she doesn't quite have enough. He has decided he is going to go from taking 6.5-7.5oz bottles to 4-5 oz bottles....really kid? really? I don't need this. I need you to EAT! Gobble it up, be a pig.....please. He really could benefit from an overnight gain of about 2 lbs. I wish I could just pass some of mine off to them....then we would all be happy. It looks to me like his top teeth are swollen and working their way in, so I am blaming that....hoping once they pop thru more he will be more content. He doesn't even want to eat solids...he use to love them. Now, not so much. This morning he ate a little oatmeal, like a bite of egg, and and couple sucks of an orange....that was it. Lunch, nothing, snackish, he had literally one cheeto...tho he went to town on that one. {don't judge me.} dinner he sucked on some BBQ chicken and like 2 peas and maybe 8 baby spoonfuls of yogurt. Of course he had his bottles in there..."food before one is just for fun"....whatever...I want him to eat. He is super congested and all boogery, so it makes taking his bottle harder. He hates the bulb syringe, lemme tell ya! I have never met a kid who liked one. Thankfully, lil poophead let daddy feed him his night time bottle, normally it's mommy only....ever....who can feed it's a nice break when he lets someone else feed him.

Come to think of it, both my kids are brats today.....sigh. Luckily they are cute.

I do love my kids more than anything and it's amazing to watch them grow and learn things. Brock is crawling lots more each day and I was just looking at Noah today and he is getting to be such a big guy! What happened to my baby??? *tear* His infant stage sucked, we didn't get time to enjoy it, the whole time it was trying to find out what was wrong with him, testing and fun. We try to remember to relax with Brock and take it a day at a time. Though when he fights eating, it makes it tougher...listen up more coughing & puking and make tomorrow smoother for all.

Here's to hoping tomorrow is easier!

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