So Silly

So Silly

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's worse than a sick baby.....2 sick babies.

Yesterday was a l-o-n-g day.

Both boys are sick. Noah had a fever all day, ranging from 100.6-102.6. Poor Brock was a worse off, his fever spiked to 103.8! Stupid pediatrician office was less than helpful. They wouldn't tell me anything, whether to go to ER, make an appointment, how much Motrin he could have. All I got was, " a nurse can call you back in 2 hrs." yep, 2 hours with a 7 month old and a 103.8 fever. I was so mad. I ended up giving him some Motrin and his fever was down in 20 mins thankfully. They both have been fever free since 2 am, but look terrible. Poor Noah's allergies are a mess. He's eyes are horrible. He gets these terrible allergy eyes and his eye drops don't help, plus he loves them so. (note the sarcasm) it's a Pita to get then in. If you walked by my house while I was putting them in, you would think I was ripping his toenails off, nope just eye drops.

Oh, Noah asked to go to bed last night at 6:30pm. Asked to go to bed. He was sound asleep, no joke by 6:35.

Both are up playing, so hopefully the worst is past us.

Here is a pic of his eyes & Brock playing happily! 

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