So Silly

So Silly

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Pediatrician Visit

So, today we had an appointment with a new Ped. We have been having some issues with their old pediatrician so it was time to move on. We found her through Noah's dietician and I am so happy that we went. She was amazing. The boys seemed to like her a lot. Noah use to scream and cry when getting his ears checked, this time he just sat there and talked to her. Huge for him. Her staff was super nice and there was zero waiting for her to come in. We have waited over 35 for his old ped.

One thing I really liked was she weighed Brock, but didn't plot it on that dreaded chart. She said he was perfect and was developing at a great rate. I hate how much the old ped was, " he is kinda low on the %tile." Their new Ped, Dr White, was all, "look at him, he's crawling and pulling up, standing alone at times, babbling....I don't need a %tile to tell me anything, he says it all." LOVE it. I love how she looks at him and not the damn chart. She did do a blood draw to check his levels and I was thinking Brock was going to scream, nope, he just sat there while they did it. Didn't cry, didn't pull away, nothing. I was impressed. I have strong kids! ;)

She listened and took notes during Noah's history, which took a good 20 mins . She wants to see his medical records from Cincinnati Children's. I am not expecting her to find the missing clue everyone else has, but a pair of fresh eyes will be nice.

I never once felt rush or pressured into anything. She feels parents know the kids best and let them decided....of course if she thinks otherwise she will tell you, but it's your choice what you want your child to have or not have. It's nice that she lets you choose what is best vs. going exactly by the book. She also doesn't dull out antibiotics unless they truly need them. I like that. She is into natural healing vs meds. We don't go back until Brock is 1 and Noah is 3!

All in all, it is way worth a 35 minute drive to get to her. I will recommend her to everyone! 

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