So Silly

So Silly

Monday, November 7, 2011

Allergist Appointment--Old Pics, and Brockstar's Weight and Crawling

Noah had another follow up at the allergist today, he was such a good boy there despite not feeling the greatest. The allergist swears we will see results from the allergy shots...we have been on them since May 2011 and nothing, I mean not a single thing has improved...We have upped his Zyrtec, he is on Nasonex, Singular, Pulmicort, Albuterol as needed and allergy shots 2-3 times a week & he gets 2 shots each time...all this and no improvements. He says we are working our way up to the right vial to see improvements....sigh....well it's taking ages! He also says Noah is not diagnosed with Asthma quite yet, but he is thinking that with some of his other symptoms--it will be. Umm, isn't that more of you are or your not kinda thing??? So, that has me perplexed....he also wants to get another blood level for his food allergies he tested positive for....Milk, Rice, Oats & Peanuts. He reacted badly to Peanuts and he said being allergic to Rice and Oats is not is not kid takes the not so common path...hell, normal is boring.. ;-) That huge welp is peanuts...he's never even touched a peanut, much less has eaten a peanut. It was huge. This wasn't today, this was 1/2011...he is due to be retested soon. That was a crappy day, lemme tell ya. Then he got 15 injects in each arm after say Noah was unhappy is an understatement.

Brock is halfway-almost crawling...He is so close! Noah didn't crawl until 11.89999 months...not seeing Brock do it at 7 months is insane, but I'm loving it! We are trying to fatten Brock up bc he is so skinny...He eats, but is skinny as a rail. He is super long though...he is never going to be that chunky lil baby....He is 27.5" and only 16 lbs! He is freaking tiny! Of course I am crazy and count his calories, I mean who does that, that isn't normal...I mean, it's not...I know this, yet everyday, I have a notebook with how much he eats and how many cals it is. Seriously, I am nuts! Noah has done me in. I HAVE to get him to chunk up...On average is gaining only about a 1 lb a month. He is on high calorie milk, normal formula is 20kcal/oz, Brock's is 24kcal/oz. He is SO active though. He is never still, never--I blame that too. Though I am glad he moves, unlike his brother who was happy to sit for months and months......He is still haniing out on the same %tile on that dreaded chart though..I'm pretty sure they didn't have those back when I was a baby and put so much 'weight' {no pun intended..ok maybe a lil'} on them. I hate when we go and the nurse plots him, they are like, "oh he is so long, {pause, wait for it} and skinny!" No way! I didn't know...sigh Anyhoo..I STILL haven't gotten his 6 months shots, I have to do that too. he had a fever, then I forgot, then he got super sick, so I am behind...I have to get on those...I really hate Vax's. They make me so nervous. Really, I think he is going to be that ONE statistic you hear about on the news.

Ok, well Brock needs to eat, {a 6.5 oz bottle, which is aprox: 156cals BTW......} FYI ;)

Here he is moving it......

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