So Silly

So Silly

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Feeding Team Appointment

We had our usual every 3 month Feeding Team appointment today. 2 hours with two small boys in a windowless room will make you a little bit crazy. Albert forgot to bring their toys in from the car, so they were pretty bored.

Appointment was ok. Noah weight is a concern. He hasn't gained hardly any weight in a year. About 1.5lbs. Since January he has gained .2lbs. Not 2 lbs, point two pounds. He has gotten taller though. He is 35lbs and 40'" So he is proportionate, we just can't get him to gain weight. He has a cal goal of 1320 a day. We struggle to get that in. Our issue is volume and emptying. We can only do ab 5 oz every 4 hours of a blend. If we use his peptamen than we can do ab 5 oz every 3.5 hours, but he tells me he feels better with a blend, hence why we mainly do a blend. Cincy is pretty Pro Blend so, that's nice, but we can just never get it all end. We were doing about 3 5.5oz boluses of blend a day then hooking him up at night. Some nights he rocks his feeds, others he wakes and gags and throws up 3-4 times. This child has no pattern to his vomiting, he is so random and that makes it hard to pinpoint WHY he does it. I know back in the day a dr said maybe he was vomiting for attention, well, when I mentioned he wakes throughout the night doing it and that surely wasn't for attention, he shut up quickly and we moved on to another dr.

It's just frustrating. I can pinpoint when he stopped gained as well. It was when we started blending. he was on Neocate Infant with added Duocal bc way back then we couldn't get volume in he needed. Well, at this time he was a chubster. We started  blending around 8 months, {try to help his vomiting} and he didn't gain for a long time, which was ok, bc he was a tad heavy. Now it's biting us in the ass a tad. Eventually he is going to have to have more calories. *their main concern is since he dropped on their charts then he is going to continue to dropt throughout the summer* 

So, they gave us a 1500 cal blend to try and see if it helps and if not try adding duocal to his peptamen. We tried peptamen 1.5 and at first it was ok, but then he started having not so good poops, so we marked that off our list. If that all fails, I have no idea what's next.

For fun I brought up "How are we ever going to get this tube out?" She said we are "no where near getting it out." Which I know, but to have it reiterated is annoying. ha, I know he has a lot of work to do in the mean time, as he eats nothing. True story, the other day I asked him 'what do you want for lunch?" He put his little finger on his cheek taping, in deep thought and said "ketchup and ranch." So, yay, we have a long road ahead of us. lol I don't even know why I asked since I know it's going to be a long time out to even think about it out.

So, here's to weight checks and new blends for a month.

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