So Silly

So Silly

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tae Kwon "Don't come back."

Noah had TKD on Monday and after class he was ask to not come back.

Wait, right? Yeah. It totally happened. Lets back up a tad.

Noah has had 2 private lessons and 2 classes with other students. Private lessons he did well, classes with other kids, well, I am not even gonna act like he was perfect, because he wasn't. He was all over. The teacher would show him his spot and he would stay there about 10 seconds before he thought he needed to investigate the other kids or other things in the dojo. He was overwhelmed with following the directions, than once he would understand, they would switch to something else, so he would be like "what??" then continue to do the 1st thing they showed him. I can't count the number of times they would say "Noah, focus, eyes on me." "Noah stay in your spot," and so on. Classes were 30 mins and he would need to be redirected a lot. {class ages were 4-6 yrs old} So, I am not here to say he was an angel and followed directions. There were other children there, running around, not "focused" too.

Here's my issue. The main headmaster came up to us after class, as parents and kids were filing out, right by the door, and said " Noah's not ready for this. His focus isn't there, he needs to come back when he is older." So, in a nutshell, Don't bring him back.

 I agree, his focus isn't there. I, 100% understand it's a disciplined sport and he was probably a distraction to other kids there. I get it. I am not taking up for his actions. What bugs me most was that he couldn't pull us in his office, which was not joke, 5 steps away, and talk about Noah. He did it in front of everyone. So, all the parents leaving and coming in to the next class can overhear.

Also, how is he going to learn if he isn't willing to teach him. He's 4! If they don't have time or patients to teach kids at that young of an age, then why accept them into classes? Up the age limit. His focus will come with age. {someone please say this is true???} He's had 2 classes! not 10, 15, 20, 2! I feel like they never really gave him a chance.

It's very clear Noah is developmentally behind socially with other kids. He gets way too excited and can't not touch kids, hugs them, want RIGHT in their face. We talk about space, but he doesn't get it. He gets so excited and can't rein it in. I worry about kindergarten and him doing the same.

I am upset that the headmaster didn't have the professionalism to talk privately with us. I upset bc Noah liked going and now he can't. I am upset with their attitude towards young kids. I am upset bc he has such few classes to learn and be with other kids and learn what is appropriate and what's not.  I am sad bc yet again, here's something else my kid is behind on. I really thought this would be good for Noah, I guess he was too young. Maybe I rushed him into it. Maybe the center isn't good for young kids, maybe I am thinking too deeply about this.....I am not sure. maybe, maybe, maybe. Sigh

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