So Silly

So Silly

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boys Chiropractor Visit and The X Ray Fiasco

So, I have been doing some research and decided to take the boys to the chiropractor. There are so many health benefits of taking young children, so I thought what they heck...and did it today.

 The office was so nice and the staff was amazing with the boys. Couldn't have asked for nicer people. We met with the chiro and he examines their backs and necks. Then he wanted Noah to have an X Ray of his back so he can see things better. So, I take Noah into the X Ray room, {I am sure there is a proper name for this.} and that is when it becomes a nightmare. Noah starts crying and running out of the room saying NO NO NO. I thought ok round 2, same results. Sigh....he kept saying NO tube, No Tube....he thought he was getting a tube change, which he HATES...he is literally shaking and crying, can't catch his breath.... it was ugly. We took a long break, tried again, same result....finally he stood there for about 3.5 seconds and the staff took the pic and we prayed for the best. LUCKILY it was great! Thank God.

We re-met with the Chiro and he said Brock was a little out of place in his lower back, but nothing major. Noah on the other hand was a hot I shocked, not at all....what else do I expect with my lil man?? His neck is all wonky--his upper back is a huge mess. The Chiro said from coughing and gagging, retching, can cause it...then his hips were out of line. Since Noah decided to loose his mind on the x ray and it took ages, over an hr, they dr didn't have time to actually do any adjusting on any kid. We have an appt on Friday and I am hoping it goes smoother....we are going to do a lot of talking about it and hoping, wishing, praying, he likes it......

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