So Silly

So Silly

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Your not trying to get Noah off his tube, you must like it"

Well, I have had a "friend" tell me some things about how I should "help" Noah. So this blog is going to be to clear up this "friends" questions.

First off, are you freaking kiddin' me??? You have no idea what goes on daily at my house, at doctors or therapy appts. What would possess you to tell me how to raise MY child??? You really have struck a nerve, but let's answer your dumbass questions/responses.

1.) "Your not trying to get Noah off his tube, you must like it."

Your right, I am NOT trying to get Noah off his tube right now. He is no where NEAR ready. He has no idea how to eat..... chew, swallow, ya know.... the's scary to him. My goal right now is to get him to TOLORATE feeds. Meaning, not puking, retching, gagging, being miserable. Make it a happy time. Not "oh this makes me sick," which is his mentality right now. All he knows is food makes me sick. How about this??? You throw up EVERYDAY, MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY, REFLUX since BIRTH, THEN tell me if you would wanna eat. You wouldn't. Yeah, I do LIKE his tube.....He would have starved to death long before now & yes as dramatic as that sounds he would have starved himself. Which brings me to point number.......

2.) "No kid will starve themselves."

No HEALTHY child, with any medical issues would. Your right. Noah obviously has something going on, which we are hoping to figure out soon. I have now found out many kids will indeed starves themselves when there is a medical issue at play. Who knew right??? I didn't. Thanks Noah for that lesson.... :)

3.) "You need to let him get hungry and quit feeding him all day."

Kinda brings me back to point number one. You know the saying "you don't use it you lose it?" Yep, kinda plays in here. He doesn't KNOW how to EAT! Even if he knew what the hell hunger was, he couldn't DO IT! He HAS NO IDEA WHAT TO DO! Noah also has volume and emptying issues, which is going to make it even more challenging when the time comes to get him to eat....Questions come up such as, will he ever be able to eat enough to grow and thrive? I have no idea. Will he ever get his tube out or will he always have to supplement with it? Time will tell. If I didn't feed him everyday, he wouldn't grow...kinda a problem.

4.) Your a dumbass.

Don't tell me how to "fix" my kid. He's not broken. A little glue isn't going to "fix" it. What makes you think you can come up with ideas to make him eat? If his specialists, regular doctors can't & more importantly ME, than you sure the hell can't. You have pissed me off. Thanks for that.

5.) Know what truley matters to me?

He is happy and healthy. That's it. Not you or your stupid ideas. I don't want your advice. Thanks anyways.


  1. Amen sista. I think you are quite diplomatic in calling them a "friend". You are a fantastic Mama to your boys, and the fact that Noah is growing and thriving is a testament to the fact that you are doing everything exactly right given what you all have been handed. Hugs!

  2. Oh Tasha! I really hope that nothing I could possibly say would make you feel any more cofident that you are doing everything right by Noah. I hope you feel that all the way to your very soul.
    As for this person - just let them go - even if you can't physically remove them from your life - let them go emotionally - you don't need their kind of poison.

  3. I'm seething right now for you! What the hell is wrong with people?! You are an excellent mom and advocate for your sweet son, he is so lucky to have you. Some people are so ignorant and need to keep their idiotic thoughts to themselves.
