So Silly

So Silly

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ever Had That Feeling......

That your missing something??

 Noah's whole life has been like that, but recently, it's just like a neon sign glowing....We are totally missing something with him medically, it's so frustrating. He has had a ton of specialists, testing, but yet, never an answer. There HAS to be a reason why he stopped eating when he was 4 months old. There has to be a reason why he gags, rectches, pukes all the time.  Most DRS say it's behavioral, well, lemme tell you, when he wakes up at 2-3am from a deep sleep and pukes all over, while not being sick with a virus, that is NOT behavioral. Yes, I do agree at times it is, such as when he doesn't want to do something, he can make himself sick, but other times he can be doing nothing and just all of a sudden puke.

I am tired of being blown off by drs because he "looks good." Well, if it wasn't for his tube he wouldn't look good. Hell, he probably wouldn't be here bc he would have starved himself to death. I really like his team at Cincinnati Childrens, but I want more. I want them to look deeper, not that I think they don't believe me about him, they have seen it for themselves the gag, vomiting from looking or touching foods. I want to know why he can't handle volume, why he has emptying issues..... They have offered advice, and treatments, but I feel like its a bandaid, that we are just covering up something bigger. I do not have a clue what it is, but it's something. It needs to be found.

I don't want him put thru unnecessary testing by any means at all, but I think he needs to be seen by genetics there, get their take on it. I really disliked the genetics here in Louisville, he was a jackass, to be blunt. We never took Noah back to him bc of his attitude and what they did test for came back fine. Again, I am happy it came back clean, but then here we are at zero again. It wasn't a lot of testing and I am sure there is more that could be done. I think that is how I feel, there is more that could be done, but because he looks great and is developmentally doing well, he's "ok." He didn't do thinks until a lot later than the norm, he didn't walk until he was almost 2, like a week or 2 before his 2nd b day. He didn't crawl until he was almost one. { I put that backwards.} Anyways, he didn't do those things bc of his low tone, well why is he low tone.....never got an answer for it.

There are so many unknowns and it's driving me crazy. Love my lil man so much & I refuse to give up.

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