So Silly

So Silly

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feeding Changes and Swapping Formulas & of Course....Puke

So, semi quick update.

Noah has been having a rough time tolerating his feeds since Dec. not sure what changed, but he just can't seem to tolerate much of anything. No matter what or how we feed, it just comes back up. After talking to Dr's on his team we have decided that blousing Noah is just not in the cards for him now. Since he has his motility issues and volume issues from his nissen, doing small feeds of 4-5 oz are making him uncomfortable. We discussed in depth what is causing his issues, his small stomach, and his delayed emptying and his messed up nerves in his stomach its just a mess. It doesn't seem to be getting better. We were running his bolus over 45 mins and he would clearly be uncomfortable during it. He also managed to puke while we were at the dr, they seem to think when I say he pukes, he "spits up" No, He pukes his entire feed. So, 'luckily' they got to see him in action. I don't know how many times I have heard "I sick, my tummy feels bad." I know our issues are small in comparison to some, but it still sucks to hear your kid say they feel like crap from eating.

I'd love to say this is going to get better, we will be able to control his vomiting and he will stop vomiting and start eating, but it isn't looking promising at this point. Honestly, I am OK with it. It's so our 'normal' now, seeing him eat would be so weird, amazing, but weird. Even Brock will come up to him and rub his back and say "OK Noah?" {Are you OK?} Brock will, Lil devil, even get a cup and make puking sounds in it like Noah. sigh.
We did trial Peptamen Jr.which isn't as broken down as the Elecare he is on and he does SO much better on it. yay, there's puke, but NOT NEARLY what the Elecare does to him. Which seems so weird he would tolerate the Peptamen over the very elemental elecare. So, I was on/off the phone today for 3 hours trying to switch his milk. It's an annoying process, WIC covers X amount then home health will pick up the rest, so it's just back and forth from Dr's faxing orders to both places, getting WIC to change his order then, WIC then has to fax to home health {HH} that they will only cover X amount so that insurance will pick up HH tab. It's insane. lol I am very thankful it is covered, it turns out to be $900.00/'s crazy! It shouldn't cost that much. It's like a mortgage payment.

All in all, he's a happy kid. He will puke then jump up and go play. It's his "normal" so it doesn't slow him down. We are also weaning him off his Neurontin as it doesn't help and no reason to keep him on it. So, again, we are going kinda back wards with the continuous feedings, but it is what it is and he is happy and less pukier....{is that a word?} At any rate, here's to less vomit.