So Silly

So Silly

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Feeding Team Appointment, Food and Puke Journals and Random Thoughts

So, Noah had his 3 month follow up with the feeding team at Cincy. We go every 3 months for them to see how is doing. It's a long appt. typically at least an hour and half to 2 hours. LOTS of waiting. He lost one pound, but is a very tall 42." he is crazy tall. His grandpa is over 6' so, he is might be that too!
Well, they weren't happy he lost weight. Yes, he is not Failure to Thrive {FTT} anymore thank goodness, but still weight loss is NOT what they want. Yes, he was a bit chunky too a while back, but he has had a significant drop in percentiles since then...just in 3 months he went down 5% Eventually, if we continue at this pace, he will run out of his chub. So, they think with his throwing up, which STILL isn't under control, is making it much harder. Add in his motility issues and it's a bit more harder. His motility DR and GI DR want him to start back on neurontin {for his motility and vomiting issues}. So we will start that today, then they want us to meet with his GI in 2 months as opposed to his normal 3 months. We were trying to get his blend in all during the day time vs having him hooked up at night to his pump. Well, apparently that isn't working. They asked me to keep a 3 day food and puke journal...which kinda annoys me. I know what I put into his blends...I can add calories. I am not sure if they think I am not calculating right or what, but as they wish, I shall annoyingly document every barf, gag, retch, feed, bolus, night feed and then they can go over it. His Dr he say yesterday thinks that if we write it down and let them look they may see what is causing him to throw up...We have been analyzing his diet and barf 3 damn years now, so they want 3 days of journaling to see if they see a pattern???? Good luck. {We saw Dr. Leslie not his normal GI} that kinda bugged me. Also, want to switch him to Peptamen instead of Elecare. Sigh. What a pain in the ass that is to switch home health care order. they gave me samples, bc I don't want to have to go switch it all and it not work for him. Then they said there was no point in coming to the feeding team anymore since he really isn't eating or near eating. Ok, so we will see Dr. Pentiuk in the GI dept vs feeding team. Which is ok, but it kinda sucks hearing them, saying "well, we don't know what to do anymore bc nothing works, so we are going to pass you along now." Story of his freaking life. I don't understand how he can have SO much testing done and the only thing is his motility that comes back abnormal. Not that we want something wrong, but we all know he has SOMETHING going on . It's getting to be very, very annoying. I am very tired of puke, yesterday was 4 times he threw up. She mentioned another GJ, but we really don't want to go that route unless he loses more weight and we simply can't keep his weight up with regular G tube.

We always joked at home that "hey he might have his tube forever." But hearing a dr say it might happen, kinda dampness the mood on it some. It's is the end of the world if it turns out true....not at all. It could be worse, much worse, but no one wants their kid to eat by tube. we have long long learned we are on Noah's time. Meaning, he is going to do things when its good for him. He crawled at one, didn't walk until 2. he did these things, but very delayed. So, we don't give up hope he will eat orally. He may one day and that will be freaking amazing if he does, hell brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. lol I can't imagine it, but at the same time all four of us sitting down and ALL of us eating together is like a dream.

I already worry about if he has his tube going into school. It's going to make him stand out. I worry about him puking in school. he will probably be made fun of. Lets be real, kids aren't always nice. I worry about this now, crazy as it seems. I have read some good and bad things about tubies going to school. It makes me anxious. Questions like, "Will be able to 'eat' at lunch with his friends." "will kids make fun of him if they see him being tube fed?" "Will he have to go to the nurses office to eat alone and thus making him more of an outcast?" No one will feed him as I do...kwim? I got it down, I know if his stomach isn't emptying right and we have to wait longer to do a feed...will the person feeding him vent him and see?? I have no idea. Probably not. Will they then feed him, he is over full and puke all over? I dunno. Will he even have his motility issues and volume issues then?? I dunno. I hope not, but who knows. It makes me want to keep him home and never let him out. I know, I know, this isn't this right choice and he needs to get out, but these things make me queasy just thinking about it. No parent wants their kid to be out casted or bullied or made fun of, with Noah having his issues, it will easily make him stand out. I have time, he might even have his tube out by the time school comes...maybe this won't even be a worry in 2-3 yrs time. I hope not, but in reality we r 3 years in to tube feeds and puke, that it's not looking real promising.

Though through all this, he is one happy, sassy, funny guy. He has an amazing spirit, if I can say so. He is always so brave and tough and nothing slows him down. He is so much stronger than I could ever be.