So Silly

So Silly

Friday, July 6, 2012

Update--Been a while

Wow, been a while since I have posted. Not too much going on. Noah is still the same, our goal is to get him all on a blended diet as he doesn't tolerate night feeds for some reason, no matter the rate, or g or j fed. He wakes up a lot, like 10-20 times when he is fed at night, vomiting, crying out, rolling around. Clearly uncomfortable. We tried is rate at all speeds & he just doesn't tolerate it. Which would be great to cut night feeds if A.) we could get in what we need during the day w/o vomiting it up and B) getting him to digest it so we can get the volume in. He is still holding steady at 34lbs, which is good, but still no weight gain, he may go up or down a few oz, but typically he is 34. His GI isn't impressed with no weight gain as its been over a yr at that weight. It seemed he gained and gained fast and now nothing. We have tried increasing his calories to 1,600-1,700/day and still nothing. It's really crazy. I am not sure why he won't gain anymore. He is having a hard time in the heat--he over heats fast and will puke and gag....and puke and gag....then more....sigh
  We go to genetics on the 18th, so I am excited about that. We have gone back and forth trying to get him in and they kept saying he is ok, he doesn't need to go, blah, blah. He is 3 now  and we have been dealing with who knows whats up with him for a long time with no answers. No one knows why he won't eat, pukes a lot, doesn't digest, his low tone, his delays....Yet, he "looks ok" so he gets blown off. Frustrating. So I am really hoping this genetics dr has some ideas on him. There is SOMETHING going on...Hope she is the one to put the pieces together.

Brock is a crazy man and funny as ever. He is trying to talk and his new word is bubbles. Really cute. He has finally gained some weight, but is still a tiny little man. He eats well for the most part, last night for dinner he ate 3, yes 3 small pieces of pizza and half a pear, then he had some cottage cheese about 2 hrs after, a huge bowl. I didn't think he would eat it, but he down it and said "want" lol he just is a slow gainer. He is cutting a bottom molar and damn, it takes a LONG time to get it in. I forgot how long it takes to get teeth in. He has 10.5 teeth thus far! He is really SOOOO much different than Noah was. It's a nice change. He mimicks a lot and Noah thows up into a bowl he will go to a bowl and lean over it and make gagging sounds too. sigh. Not exaclty what we want. Brock saying Bubbles.

I will update after genetics!