So Silly

So Silly

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Little update on the botox

Not much going on with Noah. We were trailing small boluses after his Botox to see how his tummy was emptying. He emptied better, but the puke it's never ending. Frustrating. So now we are running continuous G feeds to see if that helps. He didn't throw up yesterday on G feeds. :) my concern is I'm running him at 80mls hr, which is great for G feeds for him, but I vented him & he had 60 mls in there. Not sure how fantastic that is.

I am ab 96% sure his Botox isn't working. When we were doing the small boluses, I gave him 4 oz of a blend & 3.5hrs later he had 55 mls left. Grrr. I want to know why his stomach doesn't empty right. So, we are probably headed to Cincinnati Children's Motility Clinic next. If his emptying gets worse, it's back to J feeds. Yesterday he did say his tummy felt "happy with packpack." when I was trying to do bolus feeds, he would scream, run away crying saying, " I get sick no feed me." :(

Noah's feeding therp still says there is something medical causing him not to eat and we are making very small progress, if any. She thinks until we can figure him out more we won't make any real progress. I mean, why would you want to eat if you threw up all the time and you always had food in your tummy? I have a feeling that tube is going to be in his tummy for many more years.

On lighter note Brock's birthday is the 23rd. So crazy. I asked Noah if he's going to eat cake he said "uh nope." lol.